Thorndon Cook Power
Thorndon Cook Power
Thorndon Cook Power
Wayang Windu Geothermal Power Station

Markets - Geothermal

Te Mihi
Te Mihi


The Thorndon Cook Power team is a leading expert in geothermal power and has a wealth of geothermal engineering knowledge and experience globally, which enables us to provide effective services at all stages of development.

For more than 30 years Thorndon Cook Power staff have provided geothermal engineering services on many of the world’s geothermal power projects. We continue to use and apply modern technologies, including the latest hot-rock developments, in a wide range of projects.

Our geothermal energy projects are conceptualised, examined for viability, prepared for financing, and contracted and managed by Thorndon Cook Power staff who understand the factors that drive geothermal power projects. We also understand that every geothermal system is different. That’s why our practical approach to steamfield and plant design, and to solving the myriad of technical issues that arise, supports the identification of cost-effective solutions at all stages of the plant construction cycle.

Thorndon Cook Power offers the services needed to deliver geothermal projects using any geothermal technology, including conventional flash steam cycles, subatmospheric flash steam cycles, binary and combined-cycle technologies, gas extraction and abatement technologies, as well as low-temperature aquifer applications.

In addition to our general services Thorndon Cook provides the following services that are specific to geothermal energy and power generation.

Our team has been involved in the following key projects:

  • African Drilling Code Translation for the GRMF
Contact Us: for general inquiries - or contact one of our directors
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