Safety and Health

Safety and Health
Thorndon Cook recognises the need to protect life and to safeguard people and we will always endeavour to address this need.
The health and safety of our employees and everyone else affected by our activities is fundamental to the success of our business. At Thorndon Cook, we believe that our long term success as a business is dependent upon the ability to keep our workforce and members of the public safe. Nothing that we do is so important that it cannot be done safely.
Our policy is to create an environment in which no one is harmed. We will achieve this by:
- Providing exemplary and inspirational leadership
- Identifying the hazards associated with our activities and removing the risk where possible (through design engineering and tapping into the extensive knowledge and experience of our team)
- Establishing robust arrangements for the management of risks that remain
- Communicating and engaging with our workforce, our business partners and our supply chain to ensure everyone understands how to keep themselves and others safe and healthy.
We will continuously strive to eliminate the realistic likelihood of serious injury as a result of our operations.
Thorndon Cook operates in many in many different countries. Our Health and Safety Policy does not vary but detailed implementation takes into account the specific operating environment of each of our projects.
We are proud to report that after five years operation, we have had no recordable injuries (first aid treatment, lost time injury (LTI), medical treatment injury) and have achieved over 2000 days LTI-free (to 31 August 2020).