Thorndon Cook Power
Thorndon Cook Power
Thorndon Cook Power
Cahora Bassa Hydroelectric Plant

N2N Geothermal Power Plant Relocation

N2N Geothermal Power Plant Relocation

The Project

The 49 MW Northern Negros Geothermal Plant (NNGP) plant was commissioned in 2007. Because of steam supply limitations, the plant was unable to operate near its design point, and at best generated approximately 16 MW. With no prospect of improving the steam supply to match the NNGP rated output, the plant Owner, Energy Development Corporation (EDC) investigated relocating it to another geothermal field in the Philippines where sufficient steam supply was available.

Our Role

Thorndon Cook Power staff have been involved since 2010 for EDC to evaluate the scope and cost of relocating the plant to one of three alternative sites in the Philippines. A feasibility study was prepared that covered dismantling, transportation and re-installing plant, and purchase of any new plant required, along with erection of foundations, buildings, and associated civil works at new site. The pros and cons of the three potential locations were examined and used to rank the sites.


EDC selected the Nasulo site on southern Negros for the plant relocation, which was given the project name N2N. Commencing in 2012, Thorndon Cook Staff were involved in providing Owner's Engineer services for:

  • development of the relocation specification bid evaluation and support to contract finalisation.
  • prior to shut down for dismantling, we witnessed and documented the plant test audit that was conducted jointly with the appointed EPC contractor.
  • design review of EPC contractor's design for relocated plant at Nasulo
  • site monitoring of dismantling, preservation and packing at the Northern Negros site
  • site monitoring of plant construction and installation at Nasulo
  • support to owner's commissioning team through commissioning, testing and the reliability run.

The original Northern Negros plant was not comprised of modular items and was not designed to be dismantled and relocated. Members of Thorndon Cook staff worked closely with the Owner and Contractor to agree the techniques and approach that would safely and effectively allow the plant to be relocated and reach its design performance for the new site.

The plant was commissioned at the new site and met design performance expectations. We continue to assist the Owner to improve and optimise performance.


process design, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, project/program management

conceptual engineering, feasibility studies, including economic analysis, project planning and project management, tendering and procurement, site construction supervision, commissioning and start-up, owner's engineer roles

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